spyder Marker Collection

Spyder Xtra 2003
Semi Automatic mechanical trigger. Has vertical feed and air threw front grip. Two finger trigger, and drop forward factory.
Spyder Imagine 200?
Multiple firing modes, Electronic. This marker has been upgraded with a Dragon ONE Kit that makes it a blow forward marker.

Early Spyder basic semi automatic mechanical trigger with a vertical ASA. Right hand feed with ball stopper. Storage compartment in the handle of the marker. Single trigger.
Spyder Elite 199?
Spyder Imagine LED 200?
Multiple firing modes, Electronic. Stock marker with the air threw grip vertical feed.

Spyder Compact Deluxe 200?
Very similar to the Elite but updated with a Two finger trigger and a quick disconnect pin for easy field stripping.
Spyder Bob Long Millennium 199?
Semi Auto mechanical trigger. Black with blue spash, air threw grip single finger trigger.

Semi Auto mechanical trigger. Repainted Blue with front air threw grip.
Spyder TL 199?
Spyder Flash 200?
Electronic sear tripper. This Marker is also equipped with a after market feed neck, also is equipped with a barrel sleeve. Marker was acquired thanks to Chris C. In TN!